In Case You're Wondering

When alloted one piece per night -- provided they a) finish their dinner and b) remember to ask -- it takes four-year olds from Halloween night until December 5th to consume all their trick or treating candy. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups were the hands-down favorite. Tootsie Rolls were also quite popular, but Three Musketeers bars were thrown-away half-eaten.


LisaBe said…
omg the sidebar quotes just keep getting better. sparkles in my feet? i love that brain.

the girls have, as i would have expected, excellent taste. reese's peanut butter cups and kit kat bars are my two favorites. they didn't last a week in this house.
Unknown said…
LisaBe pointed me in your direction, J -- how good to vicariously catch up! She has my real email address, if you'd like to do the same.


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