I have managed to get myself a job . I applied for exactly one position and got it (this has happened to me before). Either I'm really as good at this museum thing as I say I am in interviews, or I'm really lucky. I could also have good timing, be in a small field, or be really good at fooling people. Actually, the part about good timing is true -- I sent the company a blind letter just a few weeks before they were going to advertise for an exhibit developer (that's what I do, in case you aren't keeping track). The job seems pretty awesome, which is convenient since there aren't many exhibition firms in Boulder. The work, the firm's clients, and the general feeling in the office all seem to be are right up my alley. They agreed to a half-time schedule, which is all I feel I can do right now because I'm not ready to give up being with my children more than that -- they're only three, after all. My job joy is tempered by the now-constant anxiety of findin...