Election humor
With the economy depressing us all, I thought I'd post something to make us laugh. This first one is my favorite of the three.
There's a buzz about this first piece, both with people I know and now on NPR. It's funny. But it's for real -- really trying to get Jewish people to get their relatives in Florida to vote for Obama. (Don't take the language seriously.)
The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.
This parody of the Vice Presidential debate will make you laugh. Or else, you're a McCain supporter and we probably shouldn't talk politics right now.
There's a buzz about this first piece, both with people I know and now on NPR. It's funny. But it's for real -- really trying to get Jewish people to get their relatives in Florida to vote for Obama. (Don't take the language seriously.)
The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.
This parody of the Vice Presidential debate will make you laugh. Or else, you're a McCain supporter and we probably shouldn't talk politics right now.