Some truths about gardening
• Half a plot is less than half the work of a full plot • The second year really IS easier • Four-year-olds are better at playing by themselves while you garden than three-year-olds • There is no good way to work compost in around a drip irrigation system • It's not worth the fight against bugs to get beans to grow here • Everyone who has rhubarb has too much of it, so don't plant any yourself • Weeds are intimidating, even five months after I last fought the good fight against them Did anyone notice that after a rousing start to last year's gardening season there were NO posts about my community garden plot? This was not coincidence. This was me sparing you from my sinking depression over how Not Fun my Gardening Burden became. Turns out that 528 square feet of weed-infested garden with poor soil in an arid climate is too much to take on while working half time and raising three-year old twins. Weeds in my community garden plot last year. There were several problems, and ...